Join us for Spring Art Walk on Saturday, March 9th from 11:00 am – 5:00 pm at the Goldmark Cultural Center, located at 13999 & 14001 Goldmark Dr., in Dallas.
There will be open artist studios in both buildings, live demos, a print exhibition on display in the John H. Milde Gallery, and a collegiate showcase featuring student print-works from 10 different Texas colleges and universities.
The Scouts will be on hand “Scouting for Food” and collecting non-perishable food items to support the pantry at White Rock Center of Hope. If you would like to bring a food donation to support this effort, the most needed items include: canned products (such as meats, soups, chili), and any boxed shelf item such as Hamburger Helper, Suddenly Salad, potatoes, etc.
The Scouts will also be selling Chocolate Bars for $1 and Scout Camp Cards. The money they raise from the chocolate and Camp Card sales will help with needed funds for Scout trips, uniforms, and other scouting needs.
This event is free and open to the public. For more information visit www.goldmarkculturalcenter.org