We are proud to present our 1st Annual Glen Rose Wine and Art Festival! We are very excited to feature the finest of local wineries, food-pairing, artisans, craftsman, musicians, local businesses, and more!
The festival will begin Thursday, June 20th with a VIP “Pairing on the Paluxy” Dinner and Silent Auction. The festival continues Friday, June 21st-Saturday, June 22nd filled with shopping, wine tasting, food-pairing, artisan demonstrations, musical performances, and so much more!!!
Vendors: We welcome craftsman and artisans to participate as vendors. Please submit an application including specifics pertaining to your business and items to be sold. Deadline May 15. Qualifiers:
• You must be selling or showcasing goods that you have made. No MLM or corporate mass production work.
• Your work must be deemed appropriate for a festival environment.
• You, the craftsman or artisan, must be in attendance during the festival.
Artist in Motion: Artist in Motion is an opportunity for Artisans to showcase their talents via live demonstrations during the Festival. Deadline: May 15. No fee will be charged. Participants are bound by the rules of the assigned demonstration space. There are limited spaces and are filled in application date order. Once spaces are filled, interested parties may choose to apply as a Vendor (see Vendor Application & booth fee)
For application forms see https://glenrosewineandartfestival.org/forms-%26-applications