It’s the third Steam Rollin’ printmaking event at the Deep Ellum Art Co, 3200 Commerce St. in Dallas on Sunday, May 19th, 2019 from Noon to 4pm.
NEW DATE! Due to extreme weather forecast, Steam Rollin’ Deep Ellum will be PRINTING ON MAY 19th…
Join a handful of printmakers from North Texas in the courtyard as we celebrate Cinco De Mayo at Deep Ellum Art Co. We honor the memory of the battle at Puebla as we crank up the Steam Roller and print our large relief blocks, presenting each Artists view of FREEDOM. Works will remain on display and are for sale. Come to participate or spectate… It will be a United Effort of Creativity and community connection!
There will also be live music, artist market, and free arts and crafts for kids, as part of our Free Family Funday Sunday!
Curated by Terri Thoman of Dallas Artisan Fine Print Studio. Terry is the Goddes of Paper Arts. https://www.facebook.com/paperartsdallas/