TVAA Gallery Juried Art Exhibition for August 2019 – “Hot Child In the City; August Abstracted”
CURATOR: Deborah Hartigan Viestenz
ELIGIBILITY: This show is open to TVAA members (and/or non-members). This is an invitation to explore the meaning that connects with you and your artwork, and then share it with others. This is open to members and non-members of TVAA (Texas Visual Artists Association) with ribbons being awarded to Best of Show, 1st, 2nd 3rd place, and honorable mention. Cash awards for Best in Show and 1st place!
Enter up to three works. TVAA member $30 nonmember $45 http://tvaa.org/calls-for-art/august-2019/
TVAA Gallery, 700 North Pearl Street, Suite H106, Dallas TX 75201
Submission Deadline: Friday, July 12th @ midnight
Acceptance Notification: Friday, July 19th
Deliver artwork: Saturday, August 3rd from 10-2pm
Exhibit Open to the Public: During Gallery business hours; Tuesday-Sat
Reception: Saturday, August 10th from 4-6pm
Pick up artwork: Saturday, August 31st from 10-2pm
Show Description: “Hot Child In the City; August Abstracted”
Embrace the summer heat and show us your abstract offspring. Reflect on
your feelings, frame of mind and emotions during the hottest month of
the year. No boundaries are set, nothing is right or wrong; this is the
artists’ exhibit-express yourself. With one caveat… a brief statement
must accompany each submission and will be displayed with the accepted
art…the only boundary for this is that it must be a minimum of one word
and cannot exceed one paragraph.
In addition to works being judged based on industry-standard criteria, there will be consideration of the written portion.