Bird Show extended through Sept. 14 at Valley House

Extended through Saturday, September 14: BIRD SHOW, a summer celebration of our skyward friends, featuring artists inspired by the avian world.

Valley House Gallery will host the following lecture in conjunction with the exhibition: Wednesday, September 4, 6:30pm: “Whooping Cranes: Saving a Texas Icon” by Ben Jones, Senior Director of Conservation, Dallas Zoo, and Sprina Liu, Bird Curator, Dallas Zoo. Find more information on Facebook.

The Bird Show includes paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, and prints by artists:
Vera Barnett, David Bates, Evelyn Beard, Kathy Boortz, Sean Cairns, Lindy Chambers, Brian Cobble, Robert D. Cocke, Alex Corno, Margie Crisp, Otis Dozier, David A. Dreyer, David Everett, Janine Faure-Terrieu, Kelly Fearing, Barnaby Fitzgerald, Constance Forsyth, Scott Gentling, David H. Gibson, Miles Cleveland Goodwin, Cindi Holt, Otis Huband, Anne Chase Martin, Merritt Mauzey, Mark Messersmith, Brian Molanphy, Pauline Muth, Fred Nagler, Gail Norfleet, Leona Pierce, Bill Reily, Everett Spruce, Bob Stuth-Wade, Janet Turner, Valton Tyler, Mary Vernon, Anne C. Weary, and Clara McDonald Williamson are on view.

Some birds are easily discernible in representational works, while other artists abstractly interpret the bird form and spirit. The exhibition also includes paintings by Valley House founder Donald S. Vogel, whose name means bird in German.

More work from BIRD SHOW has been added to the Valley House website at and on Artsy at

Cheryl and Kevin Vogel
Laura Green
Valley House Gallery & Sculpture Garden
6616 Spring Valley Road, Dallas, Texas 75254
Hours: 10:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Saturday