Negative Painting With Watercolors
April 21st – 24th, 2020
On Saturday, December 14 at 9am, registration will open for the upcoming Brenda Swenson workshop sponsored by the Society of Watercolor Artists in Fort Worth.
Register at https://www.swawatercolor.com/workshops
Registration will be open exclusively to SWA Members for one day on Friday and then opens to non-members on Saturday morning. We’re expecting this workshop to fill up quickly, so if you want to be a part of it, make sure to be online and ready to sign up.
Brenda Swenson
Being a painter is more than mastery of techniques. It’s the desire to express how I feel about my world and my response to it. To put simply…to communicate. My tools are that of a painter: brush, paint, paper and ink. I sketch and paint outdoors constantly. Working en plein air has taught me to be observant to the effects of light and atmosphere. I take this knowledge with me into the studio. Being an artist is an endless journey…always struggling to achieve one’s best work. The struggle keeps my work honest and direct.