CREATIVE CATALYST https://ccpvideos.com/
Join Our Facebook Live Stream Starting @ 3 pm EST! (March 31) |
If you love to paint flowers and want to get really good at it, don’t miss today’s broadcast with the amazing Kathy Anderson. Her teaching |
Art events, Exhibits, Calls for Art & Artists, Artist Groups, Classes & Workshops in the north Texas area
CREATIVE CATALYST https://ccpvideos.com/
Join Our Facebook Live Stream Starting @ 3 pm EST! (March 31) |
If you love to paint flowers and want to get really good at it, don’t miss today’s broadcast with the amazing Kathy Anderson. Her teaching |
Our April demo artist recorded herself working since we are all in “self isolation” right now. Here is the link to watch Gwen Meharg do a start of a painting. She would like us to … Continue reading
Flores Mexicanas: Women in Modern Mexican Art surveys changing representations of women in paintings, works on paper, and textiles early in 20th-century Mexican art through works by some of Mexico’s most renowned artists. The exhibition is inspired by the loan … Continue reading
Due to the coronavirus, the MCL Grand (where VAL holds its meetings & exhibits) is closed until May 11. This means our April meeting will have to be cancelled. The VAL Board meeting will be held by email with discussions … Continue reading
This webinar will be an opportunity for artists and those who love the arts to have a discussion about what’s happening in our community. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the way the art, artists, and the entire world works. Especially … Continue reading
Hello from The Cedars Union!
Our March news will sound familiar, as we found ourselves with a list of cancelled programs. We hope to reschedule these most of the events in later months. While we bemoan the … Continue reading
Texas Art & Soul artist Heidi is offering a new course!
“Things have really changed in the past couple of weeks in our world. Some things that were important early March are not important now. What I do know is … Continue reading
Visual Art Open Awards – Increased Prize Fund
The Visual Art Open competition is a not-for-profit event open to both amateur and professional artists based in the UK and internationally. The aim is to give artists the ultimate platform to develop their passion … Continue reading
Visual Artists Association Emerging Artists Award
Open Call Dates: Wed 11 March to Wed 8th April
All Mediums
Open to All
Renown Judging Panel
International Online Global Art Exhibition of Finalists
Prize Fund £3,000: Exhibition space at Chester Arts … Continue reading
A message from the Arts Council of Fort Worth, Fort Worth Community Arts Center and Fort Worth Public Art
It’s times like these that show us how vital the arts are to our community. The Arts Council has mobilized |
The April and May sessions are online using Zoom. Register by April 30 to receive a 20% discount on all DCP online classes!
When: April 14 or May 14
Where: Online
Getting feedback on your photographs is a necessary part … Continue reading
The May series will be held online. Attendees will be given Zoom login instructions for the live classroom sessions. Register by April 30 to receive a 20% discount on all DCP online classes!
When: May 4/May 6/May 11/May 13… Continue reading
The April series will be held online. Attendees will be given Zoom login instructions for the live classroom sessions. Register by April 30 to receive a 20% discount on all DCP online classes!
When: April 13/April 15/April 20/April 22 … Continue reading
For more information about PAA, see the website https://planoartassociation.org/ or the Facebook page.
The Plano Art Association is dedicated to encouraging the visual arts development of the membership, and inspiring awareness of the visual arts by sharing the joy, … Continue reading
As of this writing the Eisemann Center has received no word from the City of Richardson cancelling the Exhibition and Reception. In such event, the RCAS Board has decided to treat the exhibition as an “On-Line” show. Our juror will … Continue reading
The Richardson Civic Art Society Monthly Meeting on March 17th did not take place due to the cancellation by the Richardson Public Library of all meetings. At that time, they were still allowing events like our show take-ins, exhibits and … Continue reading
To our members: The cancellation of the Dallas Quilt Show was devastating for all of us. Not only because of the fun we have at the Show, but from a financial standpoint, our Guild suffered huge losses. We’ve never experienced … Continue reading
The Gallery Walk has been canceled – HOWEVER – most galleries will be OPEN and showcasing new exhibitions.
Please check in with individual galleries for OPEN HOURS.
As sad as we are that we can’t do a proper gallery night event, we want to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone who loves the Grackle as much as we do. So instead of a normal event, we … Continue reading
Covid-19 and Social Distancing: This is an exhibition to highlight and share the artwork created during this time and about this time. What does this mean to you, how has it affected you, and how can we uplift our world … Continue reading
The Dallas Morning News has posted the following GoFundMe links:
Dallas Artist Relief
To donate: GoFundMe.com/f/dallas-low-income-artistfreelancer-relief-fund
Fort Worth Artist and Service Worker Relief
To donate: gofundhme.com/f/fort-worth-relief
EASL (The Emergency Artists’ Support League)
Since 1992, EASL has proudly acted in … Continue reading
COVID-19 is having an impact that few of us could have foreseen at the beginning of the year, causing paradigm shifts in commerce and culture. Acting responsibly and in concert with government and health |
Dear friends of the Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery, We hope that this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Like many galleries around the country, and in accord … Continue reading
Excellent and charming private studio available April 10 in historic commercially zoned building in downtown McKinney – $600/month with all utilities included – shared bathrooms, kitchen, laundry and parking – uber lovely with brand new HVAC – … Continue reading
This Global Art Competition is an attempt to create awareness about global warming.
Is it too late to think about the reason behind this long-term rise in the average temperature and the futuristic impacts of Global Warming? Are we one … Continue reading