The Richardson Civic Art Society Monthly Meeting on March 17th did not take place due to the cancellation by the Richardson Public Library of all meetings. At that time, they were still allowing events like our show take-ins, exhibits and pick-ups to take place. However, today they have announced that the library will b closed from now through March 27th (to be reassessed at that time) and that meetings will be cancelled through April 30th. So, our Spring Show, which was scheduled for take-in on March 21st, will be postponed and our April 21st Members Meeting will be cancelled.
Due to the fluid nature of the ongoing closures and cancellations, we are not sure when the Spring Show will take place. We have reserved the space at the library for our exhibits through August 22nd. So, we will wait until we have a better idea of how this is all going to work out before we set a firm date for the Spring Show to take place. Artists who have entered the Spring Show may withdraw their artwork if necessary, and a refund will be provided. However, we would prefer that you wait to request a refund until we have a better idea of when we can reschedule the show. We will be keeping you informed as new information is provided to us.
For updates check our website at