Adults: Workshops at Home with Oil and Cotton

In response to shelter in place policies we are bringing our amazing family of workshop instructors into your home for some chilled out making, deep learning and friendly connection. This is an opportunity to take a class with your cousin that lives across the country, your far away BFF and your mom and sister that are near, but far due to these strange times. CHECK OUT OUR NEW LIVE STREAMING WORKSHOPS HERE.
DIY Relief Printing
Class Date: June 14 , 1-3pm
Shipping Registration Deadline: June 8
Local Registration Deadline: June 12
Local Pickup: June 8, 10, 12 from 2-4pm
Location: Your home!

This is an AWESOME workshop that will make you fall in love with making multiples! The kit is FULL of supplies that you can continue to use in other at home projects. Relief Printmaking is a printmaking process for beginners and experienced artists alike. Register here!  
Drawing with Thread
Class Date: Saturday, June 27, 2-4pm
Ship Registration Deadline: Fri, June 19
Local Registration Deadline: Fri, June 26
Local Pickup: June 22-25 from 2-4pm
Location: Your home! Gather inspiration from everyday life and translate it into a finished piece of contemporary embroidery. Gain an overview of embroidery techniques including: selecting materials, pattern design, preparing your hoop, and “painting” with thread using the satin stitch. Beginner-friendly, but all levels are welcome.  Register here!
Natural Dyes: Cochineal
Class Date: June 28, 3-6pm
Ship Registration Deadline: Fri, June 19
Local Registration Deadline: Fri, June 26
Local Pickup: June 22-25 from 2-4pm
Location: Your home! Explore the world of natural dyes. We will use the Tierra Firme Cochineal Natural Dye Kit to explore surface design in textiles!  Learn the basics of natural dyes, how to extract color for a cochineal dye bath, natural dye vocabulary, material resources and how to prep cloth for the dye bath. Register here | 214.942.0474

817 W. Davis St. #110, Dallas, TX 75208

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