The Fourth Urban Artist Market will be held on July 17-18 at the Irving Convention Center in Las Colinas. The Urban Artist Market features the work of more than 75 regional artisans from a variety of disciplines in an indoor environment.
“Local art is a vital contributor to the growth of a community and its economy,” said Urban Artist Market Event Producer Christopher Miller. “This year the mission of the Urban Artist Market is to provide local artists the opportunity to sell their work in a safe, Covid-19-aware environment.” The show will provide the option to pick up a mask upon entering the show to add a level of safety and comfort. The Urban Artist Market has adjusted their schedule to provide longer show floor hours with less condensed traffic. On Friday, July 17, 2020, the show opens from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. On Saturday, July 18, the show will open 10-12 noon to provide early shopping access for immune compromised and our community 65 years of age and up. The show will remain open from noon through 6 p.m. for the general public. In addition, the event will be selling a limited amount of tickets for each 2-hour time slot to reduce capacity to 50%.
“We based our strategy on some of the best safety business modules currently practiced and have created a physically-distant market where shoppers could feel safe,” said Miller. The show floor has been reconfigured for more physical space, one-way directional traffic and sanitization stations throughout. To further enhance touch-frees shopping, buyers are asked to only touch items that they are purchasing.
The Urban Artist Market has rescheduled their “Best of Show” competition and Emergency Artists’ Support League fundraiser for their October 23-25 show. “We wanted to focus on our core mission,” said Miller. “Providing our artists with the opportunity to sell their work and make a living.”
$10 admission tickets are available by visiting urbanartistmarket.com. Tickets are also available at the door and children under 12 are admitted free. Parking is $5.
SHOW DATES: JULY 17 & 18, 2020 • Click Here to Apply
Experience the show floor! Click here to watch our video.