Since 2001, each summer Irving Arts Center has held a non-juried exhibition featuring art created by our Art Connection members. Artwork by students and professional and non-professional artists of all ages has hung side by side in the beautiful Main Gallery and the adjoining Courtyard Gallery. The opening reception and awards ceremony has been a special time to celebrate the artists, the joy of art-making and creative expression, and the sense of community created and supported by this shared experience.
Because of the current coronavirus pandemic, it was necessary to transition this year’s Members’ Show to an online exhibition. While it is not possible at this time for all of us to gather together in person, it is in the same celebratory spirit of creativity and community that we invited members to participate and display their art in this virtual format.
Members were invited to submit up to two works of art. Recipients of awards in three categories (Youth, Nonprofessional and Professional) as well as an overall Best of Show have been selected by this year’s guest judge, Greg Metz.
The 2020 design/thematic challenge, “Signs of the Times” is in recognition of the unprecedented and challenging times we are living in — the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing protests against systemic racism, societal and economic uncertainty and other related issues are some topics members were invited to address.