Business Council for the Arts’ (BCA) Leadership Arts Alumni (LAA) are creating a series of online forums for learning and discussion about current challenges facing the North Texas arts and culture non-profit community.
The Connect for the Arts (C4tA) fundraising forum will cover best practices and innovative ideas for arts and culture nonprofit organizations to successfully raise funding amidst COVID-19. The forum will be held on Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 at 10am via the Zoom online conferencing platform. Following a brief introduction to the session, LAA committee member and Federal Reserve Education Specialist, Cathryn McClellan Kelly, will lead a panel discussion on all things fundraising from tips and best practices to how to pivot when your main revenue opportunities traditionally take place in person.
This event is open to all North Texas arts and culture nonprofits, Leadership Arts Institute graduates interested in continuing education, and BCA member companies.