The Entry Link is below:
Highlights from the brochure are:
Registration open September 1st.
Registration closes September 30th
A Juried Panel will review submission for acceptance into the Show
Notice of acceptance will be e-mailed October 17th
Final judging will be October 17th & 18th
On-line Live Awards Announcements will be held on October 25th
Exhibition of your art will be in an On-line Gallery from October >
25 – December 31st
Categories are: Painting, Watercolor, Photography, Drawing,
Mixed Media, Sculpture
All media will be considered. The artists should determine
the most appropriate category.
First, Second and Third Place cash awards will be given in each
Best in Show will also be awarded.
Total of up to $3,000 in cash will be awarded
Entry fee is $40.00 (non-refundable) for 1 – 3 pieces of artwork
Special pricing for Association of Grand Prairie Artists (AGPA)
If anyone wants to become a member of the AGPA, e-mail us back and
we will send details.
The Art Show Entry screen can also be gotten to from artsgp.org
Any Questions feel free to e-mail.
Matt – Matthew (Matt) Betz, Chief Operations Officer (COO) – Grand Prairie
Arts Council
Debbie Dobbs, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) – Grand Prairie Arts