Pardieu Gallery presents: “Notes Toward a Re-Enchantment of the World” an Online Interview & Artist Talk by Artist Skip Mckinsty: Starting September 24th, 2020.
McKinstry believes that having a childlike sense of awe and wonder provides a way to glimpse the profound. “At best, my artistic focus is but a dim reflection of an enchanted universe, but sometimes in the mundanity of day-to-day life, something larger, more beautiful and more meaningful can break through if only for a moment. That is the experience I personally have when working on a piece of art. If these epiphanous moments can point someone toward a broader vision of what it means to live in this extraordinary world, then my artwork may help to serve as ‘notes’, or signposts to a larger reality.”
See Interview and Artist Talk here
Pardieu Gallery 550 S Watters Rd Ste 300, Allen, TX 75013
Pardieu Gallery is conveniently located 1/2 block north of the popular shopping destination of Watters Creek at Montgomery Farm in Allen.
https://pardieugalleryllc.com/ for more information.