Members’ Meeting and Demonstration
October 27 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm.
Invite a fellow artist! This will be our brief monthly members meeting as well as a “free” viewing on Zoom, Facebook and YouTube of an exciting demonstration by Michael Holter, award-winning artist who works in watercolor and oil.
We will start the meeting at 6:30 pm as a Zoom meeting with our usual coordinates. Beginning at 7:00 pm, it is recommended that attendees continue to the demonstration session by switching over to either FaceBook Live or YouTube to view the demo in greater screen detail. You will be able to ask Michael questions during the demonstration and he will answer as many as possible.
Below are the coordinates and links for Zoom, FaceBook Live and YouTube. PAA Zoom Meeting at 6:30 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4263937278?pwd=eFBmcHZRWDN6Z1Z0dTFLZkNsN205QT09
Meeting ID: 426 393 7278 Passcode: 0vN9CP If by mobile phone +1 346 248 7799 US Meeting ID: 426 393 7278 Passcode: 430430
Michael’s Demonstration at 7:00 at FaceBook Live
Michael’s Demonstration at 7:00 at YouTube This will be recorded and posted on our PAA public FaceBook and members-only FaceBook page.
Please ask any of your fellow artists, would-be artists, and just art lovers to join us. And to join PAA!