Bidding is Now Open for the ArtCentre’s Online and In-person Art Auction Get in on the action and place your bid now on beautiful works of art created by recognized North Texas artists. Your purchase supports the ArtCentre of Plano’s efforts to support and promote excellence, vitality and diversity in the arts and art education. The auction artwork is also on exhibition at the ArtCentre if you’d like to see it in-person. Register now so you can place a bid:1.Visit 2.Click on the blue “Register to Bid” button.3.Complete your registration by entering your name, email address and a password. No credit card information is required until you win an item or make a donation. You’re ready to bid. Once registered, you can also text to bid. Simply text the three letter code for your chosen work of art (found by each piece in the online gallery), $, and your bid amount, to (681) 771-6813. For example, texting ABC$350 would place a $350 bid on item ABC. Bidding ends at 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 14th, but you may purchase pieces at any time with the Buy it Now option. Winning bidders may pick up their pieces from the ArtCentre on Sunday, November 28th, between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. |